Many people renovate their homes to make them safer and more beautiful. However, is there a house renovation guide even though the budget is limited? Of course, home renovations can always be attempted even if the budget you have is not much. As long as you pay attention to a number of things, including making careful planning in advance.

What are the tips and things to pay attention to when renovating a house? Come on, follow in the following review! The key to renovating a home on a budget, but still beautiful is to design all processes efficiently.
Here is a home renovation guide that can be an inspiration:
1. Set a Budget
If you want to renovate a house cheaply, that means determining the total needs or spending limits. Avoid over-budgeting. Write down everything that is needed to the very trivial.
2. Undergo Research
Study is one of the most meaningful home renovation guides. Not only can it increase the list of options, it can help equalize the price of the same item in different stores. Try to find a store that sells a variety of home renovation needs and furniture at lower prices than others. If possible, try the designation of online stores or used furniture stores as an option.
3. Change the Effect on the Door
The initial impression of the house is the door. If you can’t completely replace the door and if the existing door is still in good condition, try re-staining it to create a new feel.
4. Selection of the Right Paint
Sometimes, home renovation doesn’t always have to be done with a complete overhaul. If you have a limited budget, changing the color of your house paint can be a small step that has big consequences, you know.
Try to choose paint that can make the house look bright and according to preference. If the budget you have is limited, playing with white and dark paint can be a solution.
5. Make the Room Look Spacious with Mirrors
If you want the house to seem wider, but the budget is limited, try glass as a trick. This home renovation guide is suitable for those who don’t have a big budget, but want to change the feel of their home. Place a large mirror in the cubicle, so that the room appears wider than it really is. This was an inexpensive method but used by the very popular architect of his time, Sir John Soane, who used glass in the breakfast room of his London home.
6. Optimize Storage Space
Another home renovation guide, is optimizing storage space. In the kitchen, for example, make lots of cabinets or cupboards to store various objects. This can make the house look nice.
To be attractive, adjust the color of the storage cabinet with the color of the room paint, or according to preference. If your budget is limited, you can try to find leftover furniture that is still worth using. Then, create whatever you want. For example, by repainting with a favorite color.
7. Use Good Materials
Whether it’s paint or furniture, it would be better to choose a quality one, even if it costs a little more. Don’t be tempted by cheap prices. You also need to pay attention to the quality of the ingredients. Choosing something that is a little expensive but of good quality will be more economical. Compared to buying cheap, but easily damaged
Things that Must Be Avoided during Home Renovations
After listening to all the home renovation tips earlier, it means knowing the things that must be avoided. Following are some of them:
1. Not Exceeding the Budget
In the previous home renovation guide, one of the most important things is setting a budget. Well, the thing to avoid is setting an unrealistic budget. Even when planned, home renovations often cost more than expected. So, prepare at least 20% extra budget for other expenses.
2. Origin of Exploring Trends
You may be very passionate about renovating your home and making some radical decisions. This is something that needs to be avoided. When studying home designs and taking inspiration from various sources, make sure you don’t run out of evidence. Exploring what’s trending is definitely okay. However, also adjust with other things. Listed availability of budget and comfort. Don’t force yourself to explore trends, OK?
3. Spend all the money on carpentry
Most of the home renovation budget may be spent on carpentry. However, that doesn’t mean you have to spend everything on this. Also factor in the cost of buying kitchen cabinets, wardrobes, storage units, and other furniture. However, don’t eat up too much of the total budget available.
4. Buy furniture first
Buying the right furniture is indeed an important home renovation guide. This may also make Moms excited to decorate the rooms in the house. However, you should refrain from buying it first, if you haven’t considered it carefully. So that the house looks beautiful and functional, try to discuss with the interior designer.
Even though you have to spend extra to pay for his services, the results will be proportional. An interior designer can give the best advice for decorating the house. Advice from an interior designer can avoid wasting money on furniture that you can’t even use.
5. Contractor Selection
Don’t be in a rush to make a decision when hiring a contractor or designer for home renovations. Talk to many people and make the right decision. Reach out to their referrals and clients first to see samples of their work and check for authenticity. Don’t hesitate to ask them about their working methods, materials used, processes they follow, and so on.
6. Want to Hurry
Renovating a house cannot be attempted in a hurry. It takes time to plan, carry out each step evenly, and deal with the unexpected. Building in enough time will allow room to properly design projects, form teams, and do whatever else creates less stress.